Why Make Set-Up Blocks?

Tenon Diameter Set Up Block
Why Make Set-Up Blocks?

This method is for both the 45 and 90 degree cutters, but mostly for the 45, since there is a slight blade overhang.

It’s easy to make some set-up blocks to match the mortise bits that you frequently use. It will be a lot easier to set up your EZ Log Tenon Cutter for all future projects. First of all, set up your cutter to the size of your mortise bit.   Be sure to take the blade over-hang into consideration (see the product manual for more info). 

Always drill a mortise to test the fit.  Make sure the tenon fits tight into the mortise.  Adjust the tenon diameter if necessary.  If everything fits well, then cut off about an inch and a half of the tenon, and use it as a set-up block.  Use a marker to label the size of the set-up block. 

Setting up the diameter of the tenon you want to cut is easily done, but you must take into consideration that the cutting blade on the 45-degree.

To use the set-up block, simply slide it onto the guide bar, and then slide the cutting arms to just barely touch the block, taking into consideration the blade overhang on the 45.  Once you do it, you’ll see what I mean.